जैन धर्म का आधार भूत शिक्षण
Lecture Notes
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The modern science is wonderful. It has provided a lot of information about the physical world and many material things for our comforts. However, words such as happiness, love, emotions, sharing of resources and caring, are not in its dictionary. Further, like many, we also do not want to believe in our end with the end of our physical body. Therefore, while performing our worldly responsibilities, we venture to explore benefits of Spiritual Science towards the fulfillment in the life. With this perspective, in this group, the members share their views for mutual progress, and devote some time and resources for studying, exploring, and propagating the ancient and modern spiritual wisdom.
11 Bherav Dham Colony,
Hiran Magri, Sector 3
Udaipur-31002, Rajasthan, INDIA.
Email ID : info@spiritualsciencesg.com
Email ID : parasagrawal@hotmail.com
Website : www.spiritualsciencesg.com